My Russian Grandma Ida knew about cold weather. So
when the winds howled off Lake Michigan she cooked up this warming ultimate
comfort food. You start any Jewish food with sautéed onions, and now we
scientifically know why. A recent study of nursing home residents showed
statistically that appetite increased when the aroma of fried onions wafted
through the air before dinner time! While
those marvelously pungent onions are gently browning in 2 Tablespoons olive oil
throw in 3 cloves of chopped garlic, 3 nice slices of fresh ginger, 3 sliced
carrots, 5 stalks chopped celery, 1 medium head of chopped green cabbage ¼ head
purple cabbage, 2 diced beets ½ a diced green bell pepper. Continue to sauté
until everything is cheerfully sizzling then add a large can of crushed
tomatoes and fill the pot with water just to cover the veggies. Add to the
simmering pot 3 Tablespoons each of brown sugar and apple cider vinegar, then
sprinkle in some salt, pepper & cayenne to taste. The cayenne and ginger
will warm you down to your toes and chase away any audacious diseases who would
dare to enter your spheres. As we Jewish (grand) mothers say in Yiddish, “Ess
mine kindt” – “eat up my children.”

To your health and warmth, with LOL Lots of Love
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